Which Italian course should I choose?
Beginners with little or no Italian
- If you are a complete Beginner and you want to learn just enough travel Italian to make your trip to Italy more enjoyable, then the Italian To Go Complete Travel e-Course is recommended.
- If you are a complete Beginner and you want to learn to speak Italian, in addition to learning Italian for travel, you can use the Complete Beginner’s Italian Package, using the Italian To Go Complete Travel e-Course for travel topics and the Fra Amici Beginners Italian e-Course for conversational Italian focusing on everyday language and for understanding Italian language and grammar and Italian life and culture.
- Fra Amici Beginners Italian course takes you through Fra Amici Italian 1 – Beginners and Fra Amici Italian 2 – Beginners-Intermediate levels.
- The two comprehensive Fra Amici Italian 1 and 2 e-Coursebooks contain the Communication Italian e-Course at each level, with the accompanying Audio mp3s, with integrated Vocabulary, Grammar and Views of Italy sections.
- You can check your progress through the Fra Amici Italian 1 and 2 Coursebooks with the Answer Keys for the Communication Activities (including comprehension exercises and crosswords) and the Grammar Worksheets.
- Fra Amici Beginners Italian 1 and 2 e-Courses are ideal for Self-Learners learning Italian at their own pace. You can even learn with the audio mp3s on your phone while you are walking, at the gym, cooking, or doing jobs around the house. Then, when you feel like a good learning session at your computer or tablet, you can start developing your reading and writing skills while you expand your listening and speaking skills.
- You can learn Italian on the move. There are 141 audio mp3s in the Fra Amici Beginners Italian 1 and 2 e-Courses, so you can combine them into learning podcasts to listen to on your phone while you are on the move. You can listen to each dialogue and respond orally to the listening activities. The more you listen to Italian, even while doing other things, the more you will remember when you want to speak Italian. The audio helps you to become accustomed to Italian pronunciation and the intonation patterns of Italian sentences (rise and fall of your voice), while you effortlessly learn vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure used in normal Italian sentences.
- You can learn Italian in front of your screen. When you feel like sitting down in front of your computer, iPad or tablet to read the texts of the dialogues and work through the activities, the material you have listened to separately in the audio mp3s will come back to you and make everything much easier to learn.
- You can make real progress by listening to the audio while you read the corresponding text on your screen. This helps your brain to connect the audio sounds to the written words, which is very easy to do because Italian is a phonetic language, and, for the most part, you read and write the words the way you say them – except for the “c” and “g” sounds, which can be either hard or soft sounds. The “c” and “g” sounds are color-coded in Italian To Go to make it easy and fast for you to learn to speak Italian.
- To reinforce your learning through listening, speaking and reading, you can do the written communication activities, grammar worksheets, crosswords and other language games. You can also enjoy reading about and looking at photos of Italian life and culture.
Intermediate - If you already have a Beginner’s level of Italian
- If you already have a Beginner’s level of Italian and you want to take your Italian learning to the next level, the Fra Amici Advanced Package, with 225 audio mp3s, will take you through Fra Amici Intermediate Italian 3, Intermediate-Advanced Italian 4 and Advanced Italian 5. These three e-Courses are ideal for Self-Learners learning Italian at their own pace, who want to progress towards being able to speak everyday Italian fluently and confidently.
- Fra Amici Italian 3 - Intermediate and Fra Amici Italian 4 - Intermediate-Advanced are enjoyable and helpful communication e-Courses with a conversational focus on everyday Italian (not on unusual topics that are of little use to most people.) Fra Amici Italian 3 and 4 will help you to reach the level of Italian communication skills to be able to talk about themes of everyday life – talking about yourself, your family and friends, your work and studies, your likes and dislikes, things you like doing in your free time, your travels and hobbies, what you have done in the past and what you plan to do in the future, the experiences you have had on your travels around Italy, comparing Italian life and culture with your own country, etc.
- Fra Amici Italian 3 - Intermediate features lively dialogues and Fra Amici Italian 4 - Intermediate-Advanced features interesting interviews with Italian native speakers for you to use as models. Both e-Courses help you with practical language-learning activities as you develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, while studying aspects of Italian life and culture.
- The vocabulary themes and grammar topics explored in Fra Amici Italian 3 - Intermediate and Fra Amici Italian 4 - Intermediate-Advanced help you to gain a good understanding of how Italian works, so that you can carry on conversations on themes of everyday life.
- The Co-Author of the Fra Amici Glossario Tematico Italian e-Vocabulary Guide is Maria Belloni, an Italian native speaker and teacher of Italian. Her insight into the vocabulary and language you need for engaging in conversation on themes of everyday life, using everyday Italian, will help you to improve your Italian conversation, and to develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, as you increase your confidence and fluency.
- Once you have reached the level of being able to carry on conversations on themes of everyday life, you can take your Italian to a higher level with Fra Amici Italian 5 – Advanced.
Advanced - If you already have an Intermediate level of Italian
- Fra Amici Italian 5 - Advanced features interesting interviews with Italian native speakers for you to use as models. The e-Course helps you with practical language-learning activities as you develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills while studying aspects of Italian life and culture.
- The themes covered in the interviews with Italian native speakers and the Vocabulary Guide in Fra Amici Italian 5 - Advanced take your ability to carry on conversations about everyday life to a higher level of Italian, while also helping you to discuss more advanced themes, such as the Italian education system; the history of Italian fashion; Italian craftsmanship and visits to local food artisans; landscapes of Italy, tourism and agritourism; climate change in an interview with an Italian environmental economist; Italian opera and other music that you can experience in iconic places such as La Scala in Milan and the first century Arena di Verona; and aspects of Italian life and culture, especially related to your travels around Italy, where you can study the interesting art and architecture you see as you explore some Italian art cities and UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
- Understanding Italian grammar and how Italian works will help you to use correct Italian sentences effectively. Fra Amici Beginners and Advanced Packages are ideal for Self-Learners because you can have a fast, easy and gentle introduction to Italian grammar by using Presto - Conversational Italian e-Grammar Guide - Just the Essential Grammar you need for Everyday Conversational Italian in Fra Amici Italian 1, 2 and 3, before you progress to Capisco Advanced Italian e-Grammar Guide in Fra Amici Italian 4 and 5.
- The grammar modules in both Presto in Fra Amici Italian 1 to 3 and in Capisco in Fra Amici Italian 4 and 5 give you clear explanations with colour/color-coded tables, multiple examples to help your understanding, and numerous worksheets to give you a lot of practice as you become accustomed to using the various grammatical structures, so that you can easily call upon these structures in conversation when you need them. It’s like learning to touch-type on a keyboard or play the piano – the more you practise / practice using the sentence structures you need, the easier it becomes to use them in conversation and then to use them without even thinking much about them as they become natural to you. You can check your progress with the Answer Key for each grammar module.
- The carefully-graded Presto Conversational Italian grammar modules are part of the comprehensive e-Coursebooks for Fra Amici Beginners Italian 1, Fra Amici Beginners-Intermediate Italian 2 and Fra Amici Intermediate Italian 3. You learn just the essential Italian grammar you need to carry on a conversation in Italian, using everyday language. You don’t need to get bogged down with more advanced grammar topics in the first three stages of your course.
- Once you have learned to handle the essential grammar structures in Presto, in Fra Amici Italian 1, 2 and 3, you can expand your knowledge and understanding of Italian and your ability to converse more confidently in Italian at a higher level, by studying the carefully-graded Capisco Advanced Italian grammar modules that are part of the comprehensive e-Coursebooks in Fra Amici Intermediate-Advanced Italian 4 and Fra Amici Advanced Italian 5.